Tuesday, May 23, 2017

lets play because its holidays!

Hi guys welcome back , lets play something hmm... Idea lets play complete the patterns. It will be fun 👩👩👩

❤❤↗↗ ____  ____
माँ  पा  ____  ____
२२ २००  ____ ____
☝☝💄💄👋👋 ____ ____

V I B G Y O __ __ __ __ __ __ __

I will see you all next time


Sunday, May 7, 2017

lets have some fun!

lets play number adding! it will be fun with you guys!

71 + 22 = ___
43 + 22 = ___                                      ending over here answer them if you can guys! and answer
90 + 17 = ___                                       them in an A4 sheet!
55 + 22 = ___
29 + 19 = ___
23 + 77 = ___

thanks for playing I will post more later . See you all next time good bye!

Monday, April 10, 2017

my questions can you answer them?

  1.  what is a black hole?
  2. If  sun was not there what will happen?
  3. which is the biggest planet?
  4. What is a cloud? What is it made of?
  5. are black holes real?
  6. 98+52=?
  7. What is water?
  8. what is moon made up of?
  9. what is a song?      [difficult]

Story : A statue for the eighth mountain

Once there were  eight mountains near a sea. They all had their own statue on the top.But the eighth one did not have one. Every day he used to ask his grandfather 'when will I get my statue?' But grandfather always says you will get one . That makes him sad. One day a sculptor was passing by then he saw the eighth mountain and saw the others. He said I will carve a statue for this one. This made him very happy. He told his grandfather that this sculptor will carve a statue for him . This made everyone delighted . So when the sculpter came he was also delighted to make a statue he was so happy that he was singing and was enjoying this song passed through  a village the villagers were following the sound and reached the eighth mountain there was the sculptor everyone were asking what is he was carving. He said the old king of the mountains here is the eighth son . everyone were celebrating as the eighth son is getting his statue . And  everyone was also delighted